Wednesday, January 27, 2010

a little about me - NETS-T 3

Born here in beautiful San Diego, CA, I spent the first 18 years of my life in Carlsbad, attending grades K-12 at local public schools.  Following High School, I attended a small Liberal Arts College called Master's in the not-as-beautiful-as-San-Diego area known as The Santa Clarita Valley.  After adventures in rural New York State and Kansas City, I completed my degree in Liberal Studies.

Not being from a family that splurged on electronics nor having a particular affinity for figuring them out, I don't consider myself very techie.  My first computer for college was maybe an HP purchased at Wal Mart.  Later, the school required all students to have laptops.  After the death of that Gateway, I purchased a MacBook Pro because I had gained some familiarity with Macs working for a portrait studio and digital imaging company.  Admittedly, I am rather addicted to the internet, and the constant communication of text messaging (with the right people, of course).  I am using Microsoft Word 2002.

The mission statement was not a factor for me in electing to take these extension courses at CSUSM; however, my brief introduction to it via my three first classes fits well with my own philosophies and life experiences.  I especially appreciate the commitments to diversity, educational equity, and social justice.


  1. I just recently purchased a Macbook, so maybe you can give me a few pointers on how to use it! I bet you are glad to be back to the San Diego area coming from Kansas City. My entire family is from Kansas City, Missouri. So cold there right now!

  2. Emily,
    Love your picture...How'd you do that? I found, also, that San Diego is a great place to come back to after going away to school. I'm addicted to the internet, too.
